Information for Participants

Participant Information Sheets

Please note that RAPID-Test is closed to recruitment.

Information sheets for patients who are interested in taking part in the RAPID-TEST trial can be found below. The Summary Leaflet gives a brief overview of the trial and then more detail can be found in the information sheets aimed at adults (aged 16 years and over), younger patients (aged 12 – 15 years) and younger children.

If preferred, you can download the information sheet(s) by clicking on the ‘Download’ option that is underneath each information sheet display.

If there are any parts of the information sheet(s) that you do not understand, or if you would like further information, you can speak with a member of your local participating GP practice (site) research team. Alternatively, you can contact the RAPID-TEST Central Trial Team at:

Summary Leaflet


Participant information Sheet (patients aged 16 years and over)


Participant Information Sheet (patients aged 12-15 years)


Children’s Booklet

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Please note: some of the contact details on the information sheets displayed are currently ‘highlighted/blank’. This is because it is a display template that will be updated by each of the participating GP practices so that their local contact details are included.